Sunday 6 March 2016

A Tribute to my father

( During the grand race towards our wishes, we forget some one silently sells his All self to buy our dreams. With the birth of a child, starts the story of an ultimate sacrifice)

My dear prayer!!!
Borrow few feathers from the hawk
Sue my breath.
Ask on loan the wings unknown
Trade my writings , all I have
Get some lightly laced birdie's body
Make rush, run fast
Request the sun to elongate its hours
Seek for the key
From the treasures of Valkyries
Unlock the scriptures which Prophet Suleman wrote
About the art of flight
About the techniques of reaching heights
My dear prayer make a little haste
Fly to the sky
Above the mansion of clouds
Before the snow flakes turn to Zarkol
And Autumn drills holes inside the mountains
Before the cold zephyr tears apart the leather pockets
Of a zipless hood
Faded from the right
Burnt from the centre
Half bald from the left.
Bow to prostrate
Tell My Allah, reveal this secret
My Father's only  Jacket is elder than his daughter
It can no more protect him from cold

Copyrights Reserved to Paras Ali/2016

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