'I Can no more Pretend"

Before pruce pearls turn to my sky
All my bangles i have laid aside
Their Orange, red, green, blue ashes
Would shower intricate patterns
To horizon's lonely patches.
In the Ford land My beloved
I Have disarmed all the bells
From my hapless ankles.
My heart's flute has now muted.
Why do i carry my heavy chest?
When all my ribs are exhausted
I am on my feet jagged and dead
I like not to take my blood prints along
I have satiated avaricious demons all my life long
Beloved ! Scoffers mock at me
They direct their ire towards me
Though i have sold for free my all jewels
I have lit their every cistern.
Yet this game is not won.
Beloved! Ward-off fire of living from my face
Veil me in a furrow of haze
My heart is frozen
Lips numb
I can no more pretend
I am wounded
I am hit
I am Culprit
I am Frail
I beg you Beloved
I can no more Pretend.
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