Thursday 10 September 2015

An Eleventh Birthday Cake

The last candle snuffed out and the heightened heap of smoke blurred her eyes. The smoke was not a residue that burnt her past ten years rather it was a veil bowling her current tottered existence and screening her eclipsed future.
The smoke has kissed goodbye, but do the bygone things and people have cloistered existence? No, she mumbled with a flabbergasted blink of a profound eye and left the answers in the mid-end as she was in habitual of not setting her pearls ashore.
The eleventh elf held a knife to cut the birthday cake but she was startled. The green, gooey  and glossy cake appeared to her eyes as a haunting circle holding taut rope of her wounded past. The circle reminded her of  a jungle's territory where men instate their carnivorous strolls enslaving women inside deep copper gorges beneath the pewter sky.
She blew the flecks of dust off her shirt and then the sight of  her own muscular round navel gave her the realization that her dirt was  still newfangled and virgin as the vultered eyed beast had thrusted upon her an eternal abashed venom. She wished to chop each muscle of her face that reflected like a resplendent diamond from the beast's eyes.
She jerked, pushed and shivered to have a safe return from the island of nameless faces but life is an eclipsed corridor with all the corners lit by wane moon.
The cake , the smoke and the knife were all glove in hand to mow her down. Panic seized her, shrivelled all her innards. She began to mewl under her breath and felt herself on the cusp of screaming.
The poor creature curled from her finger and thumb number nine and held in her right hand the knife to cut the cake of her eleventh birthday. She stood motionless like a frozen twig which exchanges happy furtive glances with the defoliating autumnal tree.
She rushed to the cake and burried the though of cutting it in seven-inched grave." Boundaries once crossed always carry the traces of your foes no matter then your enemy is spear less, bullet less or armour less, she heaved a sigh and cupped her cake in a stronger cuddle more stronger than the one he gave to her while starting bloody bouts.

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