Tuesday 24 November 2015

Poem is Like a Life

Tis life like a poem's prologue
Words, morpheme,lexeme
Rustling rhyme, rhapsody's regime
All conscize, charismatic and complete
Poet pipe's up as an infant muse
Verse and verse and verse
Like the wheeling kites hidding red sky's bruise
Syll-ables like a mell-ow effortless youth
And the midst of the poem is a golden fruity air

North with pepper vines and West dimpling with pears
Like the glistening diamonds of youth
Stanzas replacing school-satchels with plummets in pruce
Peacocks, pigeons and parrots flutter high in the air
Bidding farewell to the grumpy knots layer per layer
A perfect poem like the goddess Spring lying bare

And then the poet reaches the end
Yellow moon on the pale bars bend
Birds forget the art to fly
 Words turn crumpled crisp leaves
 Altared to fire
Diminishing divine ink droplet
 A broken pen, a page gone wet
And an empty poem's epilogue
Like a vie-able old old  age

Copyrights Reserved to Paras Ali


  1. Dear Paras Ali, it's my wonderful day start with this poem of yours...the witty ink!!! Blessings Sis :) Miriam

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Beautiful !!! Love the use of similes and metaphors :) The last stanza is the highlight of this piece, though. Very intense and beautifully written !!
