Thursday 19 November 2015

Because I live in Jungle

  My cooing and Boeing broke the vigilance of autumnal bars
The bony- billowed- Brook gifted some chaste drops  
For my tiny body, to dilute the blood's Flood
Sun disarmed the cloudy-cyclones and sent on slumber the boorish thunder
The Gooey Grove, the Willow Woods and the Natty Nymphs
Altogether Constructed for me an Islet in indigo Ink
When A toddler , I was a Ducks Only Duke
At Nine, a Regale Prince of Horses' Royal Regime
When A lean Teen, Lions, Jaguars, leopards and tigers aligned My Team
Later for a Man Of Wax, ostrich and Flamingo strawed Titans Nest
To get My monuments galleried  in manner best
Then Soon the serpents sand pinch by pinch counted my days
The Jungle above all has its Wild Ways
The Mother hungry Vulture took the first flight
And the Animal's Clan sentenced me to Exile;
" An Old Lunatic Wag: We Know You No More"
"Jungle has its arms for the living, For the dying it offers Doors"

Copy rights reserved to Paras Ali

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