Tuesday 5 April 2016

To the West

(It is sometimes the people we work with, change our perspective towards their entire nation and the momentary encounter with them makes us see the other side of the picture. I like to dedicate this stanza to the brave citizens of Afghanistan)

Thirst has left my throat dried to death
But you would find me distancing myself from your lake
Hunger has set on colander my starving flesh
But you would see me throwing back the crumbs of your tempting food
Birds are preening their wings while bathing in your pool of jewels
But you would see me holding my roughly trimmed feathers to myself
Do you know?,
what stops me move ahead?
That is indeed, as a bitter matter of a fact
Your avaricious eyes gazing towards my broken being with sympathy

Copyrights reserved to Paras Ali/2016

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