Wednesday 16 December 2015

(My dear friend Amna Ali motivated me to write something on Stockholm syndrome and here goes my meagre attempt to depict a cordial relationship between captor and Hostage)

"Get her a Medic , else she would die soon", shrieked my father but I was constantly pretending to be okay despite of the fact that it's clapper claws had still its gripping tooth marks on my cerebral bone. The pain at the right corner of my head was chomping my nerves to the utmost level of numbness and it's fangs were bricking it's potent existence with each passing moment.
Though the razor-shaped fangs had drained from my eyes each diminutive speck of my blood yet I mustered up my courage to look across it's demeanour. From my pusillanimous finger and timid pores I swiped the misty clumps on the mirror opposite to it and it's deportment aflamed my eyes
I chanced upon see it's aureate eyes first and then my iris slipped to his mighty built that was nonetheless a casket of gold and red. My pain started to fade no sooner I glared across it's stormingly ferocious jaws crunching December's soggy leaves. The more it was plucking out my hair, the more I was gaining moments to notice it's vexed and maddened looks. It's Machiavellian tricks shackled my attention and sent me to a quagmire where my captor appeared handsome more than the man of my dreams. It has everything all my life I looked for ; An unsettled spirit of a soldier, a diligent truth lover and an unmasked apathetic man who has murdered from his own hands the faulty promises of love. It was not dressed in virescent hues like Spring rather it was attired in respite free December having a ravaging thirst to spread vandalism around the alleys of the world. Yes I found so much truth in him and to be honest I being his hostage fell in love with him.
Till, today during cold December nights in the disguise of migraine it comes to jolt each marrow of my brain and like the willows, brownish bare trees and unkempt frost I learn the definition of devilish truth not hidden in things nor in transient colours.

Copy rights reserved to Paras Ali

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