Tuesday 28 November 2017

Random Thoughts

I believed that human relations are timeless work of Creature                                                        Guarded closely, I  thought no evil murderer could around them lurk                                                      Oh how I forgot , relations never die a natural death
Instead are always murdered

I pledged to my kings to give me a morsel and few droplets                               
To feed my stomach , to quench my thirst.                                                     
Oh how I forgot  statues of stone can never grant
They can never answer.
Crossed to my mind , a million hopes                         
And I reserved them to win the people I know                                                                   
 Oh how I forgot ,the sea of expectations have drowned ships
 Mine is just a paper boat.
Helpless I speared my heart till blood leaped up.                                                         
 I skinned my wishes till their skeletons were earthed                                                 
Oh how I forgot, my tragic endings matter least to this world
In a book of history I am an incomplete word                                           

Brick by brick , my house I saw                                                   
Crumbled into dust like a fallen star                                                                               
 Oh how I forgot , a wayfarer has no home
 nor he owns any path

Paras Ali/2017
Image :No Claim

Edges of the Tides

The wind has a familiar taste                                          
Sweetly Salish                                          
Rushes from the waves ,On the bank     
A known fragrance.                                          
The frost surrounding rust                                     
Gathers the feathers of seagulls                                                              
Same barrenness and hollow drought                             
Among finite clouds                               
 Of a starless night                                    
And smell of vanishing smoke                                                   
Winding against the sand of shore      
No leaf stirs, resides                                            
An enormous stillness                                                                                    
Perhaps someone has cried                  
Holding the edges of the tides                    
On the other side of the sea

Paras Ali/2017

Would you ever come back Home?

The first time you left i was fast asleep

Tightly grabbing your chest, 
beholding childish dreams
You placed my head on the lifeless bear
and sneakily departed, 
deceiving me in sleep
Planting a sad kiss You bid goodbye
and murmured to my ear a note of apology
Whenever I was awake 
Which you never dared say.
To comfort my heart, to turn me numb
Barbies and beautiful dolls you sent
Do these expensive toys
Can ever replace the family joys?
Or can those branded clothes
Rescue me from falling on the potholes 
Or can Your letters mourning with explanations
can populate my sky with missing constellation?
You said every year you would be back home before winter
Father!! this is Autumn again
Nor you turned back
Neither like past decades , the calender changed.
Are you gone forever?
Were all those promises fake?

Paras Ali/2017

Pages of the Forest

Washed clean of August's sweat

by the frosty dews of november's night

Drool the clouds, leaving the horizon soggy and wet

As the sky sprinkles purple shower to unknown heights

Litters too the candlelit pages of corniferous forest 

The berries then break loose their roots 

To let them grasp few grains of light 

Muse also shudders through the fingers of the shy moon

It gazes for long and long into Autumn's eyes

Draws deep inside its lavender scent

and write word-less verses on the sun-burnt scars of her neck

Paras Ali/2017