Tuesday 26 September 2017

Children of my Town

Soaked in silence, drenched in sunset   
the paper boats of my town lay slayed
Shiver no grass of the barren parks
With the marching thud of twittering feet.
The breeze has forgotten counts of hide and seek
and coral puddles have dried out of thirst
to be splashed by angelic heels  
Where went those songs, those childhood rhymes 
of dauntless poets who ruled all seasons of time? 
No pillow now hides a milky tooth 
Would now no fairy , to the adults , come to greet? 
Giggles and laughters are now a story of tales 
The rainbow of innocence has gone so far leaving behind no trail 
How fortunate we were once born as kids !!!  
In the same town of mine  
now mothers give birth   
to only sane adults

Paras Ali/2017

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