Sunday 28 February 2016

To My Grand Lord

Sailing towards the path of primroses
My unrighteous soul is on pins and needles
Red testy tempered and forbearing heart
Has fallen for the silver river of galaxies
Where Roman silver is the milky way,
Silver-tongued are the beads of demon's wit
And chalice Silver are the footprints of lacy leaves ,
Lying on the colourless thrones of sky's waves

Oh my Lord!! That Satan silvery landscape has tempted me
Enticed an angel inside me
Sextons are on their way to bury me once and forever
For the sin cloaked Sky my heart rushed for
I know my Lord With yellow dwarfs
This silver trance of a mirage would disappear far

But still if My Master You ask from me my last Wish?
I like to extinguish colourless in your microcosmic mega-cosmos
The pious people of earth no more belong to me

Paras Ali / 2016

Let me Sleep to Let you Free

I am inside the arms
Of the quietening soporific balms
Analgesic drugs
Deadening pills
Of somniferous Codeine
And snoozy morphine
Trust my love
It hurts no more
To see myself fade away
Lost and strayed
Numb turns my muscles
Tongueless is now the pain's rustle
I am on the verge to sleep
I breathe but i can not see
The despondent being with in me
All I remember
Beloved Thoughts you once wished for freedom
Once you encounter my duped senses
Fly to the Paradise of clouds
Flutter against the blue sky
Like a winged bird does
Till Dawn to Dusk
Do not look back
Or turn for me
Fly above the words
Fly above the rhythm
Keep me in deep slumber my dear thoughts !!
My flesh and your freedom are of same substance
One has to die, to keep other alive
It Hurts no more
Flap your wings fly high in the sky

Copyrights Reserved to Paras Ali/2016

Ask me Not

The climate of your town is not salubrious
The paleness of the wind gathers me
The lassitude of the sun-shower cuddles me
With what account?
On which note of relation?
My Dear friend Ask me not
Please Ask me not
All I know, I have to go

Falcon eats not the left over morsels of vultures
A sky lark's breeze rents never the notes of nightingales
A dove doodles dreams in the depths of dust
It's muse would starve if you force her to write on rust
Why a featherless bird darts from tree to tree making no nest?
My dear friend, Ask me not
Please, Ask me not
For All I know I have to go

Cartographer scribble no map for me
I am a damsel of flaunting  mystery
Averred and approved by the law of mirage
Why my spirit mourns wearing the guise of humans or Draculas?
My dear friend Ask me not
Please Ask me not
For All I know , I have to go

Copyrights Reserved to Paras Ali/2016

Thursday 18 February 2016

Universe will bring her back

I know narcissist moon mirrors in her eyes
She reflects the dreams of electric violet skies
Black pearls lying on her braid bask in shaded noons
At her bosom collapse and melts the iron edged wombs
The willow of the southern sea cuddles her tight to openly mourn
During Autumn, In her arms a horde of orange petals are born
Spring constructs its castle with the bricks of her prism
Deserts smile with her as she is for them a hailing drizzle
Still I have let her go
For all I know
From the single toned nature
She can not escape
She can not hide
The downpour of the universe will someday bring her back

 Copy rights reserved to Paras Ali /2016

Sunday 14 February 2016


The diamond-dazzled
Alphabets of yellow streets
Caress too often--gently
The lisping and floating punctuations
Of molten phrases
Meanwhile Velvety-gowned clauses play violin
In the silky nocturnal midnight
To Keep awake the leather-heeled
Books of few hundred pages

When the books have well amused
The bronzite bodied libraries
Then tread upon them
Dead roses,
Cigarette ash
Faded photographs
Ink less pens
and a storm of frozen tears

For the book was  written to be sold...

Paras Ali /2016

Wednesday 10 February 2016

The Golden Casket of Memories

Who says the bygone moments fade?
He opened his bronze casket
Lingered his fingers across the crystal Jar
Removed  it's tightened lid
And here she was
Least Smothered
Least Exhausted
But still an untamed beauty
Parallel to the one
When the first time they had crossed their roads
She was still wearing the pendant of wet green leaves
An anklet having bells of clouds
A musk of rain- soaked- droughted- earth
And a Kohl of frosty smoke

How could he let her go?
When he has promised her timeless immortality
He made her abode in the temple of his verse
Where merely the statue was of  his words
But beneath those poetic marbles
Her soul dictatored alone...

Paras Ali 2016

Sinned Against Sinning

Inspired from King Lear by Shakespeare

Write on my soul
With razor-edged syllables
Pick alphabets and plaster them with viperous fangs
Buy the needled morphemes from the vendor of Butchers
Sale my bones but get me charcoal stones
Of immutably wounded Hillocks of Blasphemy
And stab me hard with bee-infected verse of yours
As the Saint says
No Furnace of fire
Can wipe my metallic tears
No Erudite scriptures can kiss away
My Chapters of disobedience
For I am a creature 'more sinned against Sinning'

Copyrights reserved to Paras Ali/2016

Thursday 4 February 2016

A Hypothetical Observation

The Demon Regretted
He rushed back
To the Country of Water, Air , fire and Earth
White banks of sand,
Flickered his shadow  over the several-lipped river bank
The lizard like wolf met on his way of purgation
Spidery sword of stars
Wish-washy voltaged Moon bulbs
Fire flies folding lanterns,
Ice-blue neon flames of Jaguars
and Violet Orchirds Echoeing abundant Light
Still death leapt in his pulse
For the world
For you even
The Demon died out of repentance
But I say with faith
He died out of the Fear of being Exposed

Copyrights Reserved to Paras Ali/2016

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Ode on Sky

The sky in seconds adorns itself with hue
Some pint of golden and pastel colours few
A glimpse of scarlet and crimson chunks around barren waters
Sun departs while weaving threads of amber in cloudy cue
The abstract designs conceals Creator’s image
But what exists behind such damson view?
If beams are reflected by palette spectrum
Then how sad songs are kept in tiny dew?

Many galaxies are born under your lap so warm
Sky preens the free wheeling bird with air so calm
Cherub gaze the bowing angles with wide eye
But fail to measure the echoing damsels psalm
The azure Aerial prophesy the treacherous wounds
Crave the name of aniseed and saffronic balm
Yet some mote in the dusky gossamer is undefined
Where the speck sinks why it gives you no harm?

The Chromatic patterns dethrone the majesty of volatile time
A canopy that encloses the mythical godly shrine
Whittle the smudge of inherited bloodshed
Its symmetric horizon is a tacit elegy’s watershed
Not superfluous neither limited is its area
Robust philosophies codify its ethereal substance
Exemplify an eternity of gross mystic Romance
Sky thy profuse aura is esoteric like deep eye
Whose translucent sheet alloweth no pry

Parallel to the sea, boundless and sullen fellow
Sky, all commotion engrosses and swallows
Prolific centre of dreams, lord of utopian society
Its seven layers teach the thinkers piety
The same is its aura and archetype is its colour
Its purity is untouched by the ardent earthly lover
Simplicity wins the war with glamour that pretends
The owner of new Era, yet from transience it can’t defend

Copy rights Reserved to Paras ALI/2016

Until and Unless

Unless and until enrapture the discourse
Emollient balm to the inflamed wounds
Beholding a titanic journey, long and hoarse
Pope’s satire to check mundane faith
A toothless tiger in the imbecile forest
For the surge unless and until wait

Unless and until are mute like willow tears
Distant as galaxy cluster around heaven
Mutter and chirp when wind blows yellow grass
Nip the sullen violent waves in a drop
Ominous like a thorn in the garland of jasmine

Of paramount importance for love
The plaintive call of baptised dove
Sham rustling of zephyr around scholar’s files

Unless makes the until and until the unless
To plunder the bee around cobweb’s furnace
God resides in the jugular vein
While unless and the until is the theory of sane

Copyrights Reserved to Paras Ali